北京成为FOSS4G 2012大会主办城市

2011年9月12日,北京以4票的优势(9:5)领先捷克布拉格,由OSGeo委员会投票选举成为2012年FOSS4G大会的主办城市。FOSS4G历次大会都吸引了来自美洲、欧洲、亚洲、澳洲、非洲各国的开源GIS社区开发者与使用者参会,2012年将是FOSS4G大会首次在亚洲国家举办。OSGeo委员会主席Jeff McKenna在OSGeo邮件组中公布了这一消息。原信引用如下:

Hello everyone,

Sorry for such a long delay, but we finally have a clear winner through voting: Beijing, China (the final vote was 9 to 5). Congratulations to Gao Ang and their local team, Beijing will be the host for the FOSS4G 2012 event (pending approval from the OSGeo Board).

Karel, Jachym and the Prague team: it was such a close vote this year, that it shows how good your venue/team is for this event; I hope that this does not hinder your plans and energy 🙂



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